Am I Really Posting This?

The life of a blogger is a weird one. You put so much of your life on the internet and hope that people don't rip apart your every move. In an effort to keep your blog going good, most people post lots of fun, uplifting, heart-happy posts. I love doing that myself, but I also like being real. I like posting about what truly is happening in my life. I feel like in doing that, the people who read my blog have a more personal connection with me and I absolutely LOVE that. 

I have a lot of things I don't blog about. In an odd sense though, I wish I did blog about them. Blogging is my therapy. I also have a lot of "unpopular opinions" about things. This post is dedicated to all those things. Sit tight, buckle up, and prepare yourself for a side of me you've never seen….

>>>I thought that at some point after moving to the middle of nowhere USA I would regret it. I can wholeheartedly say I have yet to regret it. Not even once. 

>>>I'm 95% sure I suffer from depression.

>>>"If i'm not between a 3 and a 7 on the emotion scale, i'm crying." If you know what that reference is from, we can be friends. Also, it is 100% true that if I'm not somewhere in that range, i'm crying. Too happy…crying. Too sad…crying. It's a fun trait to have. My husband especially loves it. (Poor guy)

>>>I actually don't agree with women whipping their boobies out and breastfeeding with no coverup. I understand they are feeding their child, but why not cover up?!? (I know i'll get a lot of hate for this one. Sue me.)

>>>I have chronic fatigue and it is the thing I am the most insecure about (besides my complexion). Everyone that knows me knows that I take naps more than my child and most of the time I'm in bed by 8 pm. I hate that about myself. Sometimes I literally CANNOT physically keep my eyes open. People mock me about it all the time and I know it's all in good fun, but it is something I am truly embarrassed about and absolutely hate. 

>>>The smell of ketchup after it's been sitting on a plate is literally the most disgusting smell in the entire universe. Like to the point where it makes me gag. 

>>>I think about death every. single. day. And not in a "I hate life and I think about dying" kind of way. Just every day I wonder if this is the day i'm going to get into a fatal car crash or if someone is going to invade my home and shoot me. 

>>>I think a "stay at home wife" is the biggest joke. What do you do all day when you don't have kids?!

Well folks, there it is. A few things I thought I would never post on my blog. Feel free to judge me, or feel free to comment below and let me know if you relate to any of these things! I truly appreciate every single one of you who took the time to read this post. It wasn't an easy one for me to post, but i'm happy I did. 

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