Worst Blogger Ever

Here we are again….over a month without a blog post….
Worst blogger on the planet award goes to yours truly.

I've been in some kind of "funk" lately and haven't known quite how to get out of it. Bless my husband for dealing with me. (Truly, he's amazing and I can't say it enough how much he deserves a trophy)
I hate EVER admitting that i'm even upset because I feel like my life is far too wonderful and perfect to even feel the slightest bit of discontent. I honestly feel so guilty about. But when it comes down to it, some days I am upset. Im down right UPSET.

I'm truly trying to change my outlook on things and just overall BE HAPPY. Consciously CHOOSING to be happy. However, for me, that is easier said then done. I mean some days it is literally all I can do to get out of bed and go to work. Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way some days? (Or in my case, for weeks at a time?)

With my blog lately, I just haven't felt like there has anything "blog worthy" happening in my life lately. When the fact of the matter is, my entire life is blog worthy, I just need to step back and take a second to see it. At the end of the day I don't blog for anyone other than myself, but when the days come and all I want to do is crawl into bed, typing to my computer is the last thing I want to do.

I'm coming back. I want to be present in my little corner of the internet. I'm going to be posting more. I am going to be here. I hope I don't sound like a complete crazy person in this post and maybe ONE other person can potentially relate to how I feel.
We've had a fun month in our home. Here are a few pictures from my favorite times.
When little girls are tired in Mexico, Daddy holds them until they fall asleep. Be still, my heart. 

My flower child

Two seconds after I said "i've always wanted one of those pineapple drinks", he pulls over and hops out to buy me one. Quite the romantic guy if you ask me! 

My favorite view in Mexico

Snuggling my precious girl is my favorite.

M decided he wanted to build this off our garage. Being married to a "handy man" has quite the advantages! 

I'm the girl who orders two desserts because I can't decide. Judge me.

Fancy dinner this weekend with my lover butt to celebrate FINALLY selling our vehicle! 

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