Life Update

Hi, my name is Kaylin and I haven't talked with y'all in far too long. 
Ready for a life update?!

I wasn't going to make one of these, but more than one person has asked where i've been lately so I figured maybe two or three other people were curious as well. And maybe not, but i'm writing this anyway, you know me! 

At the beginning of the year, M and I started our Total Money Makeover. If any of you know what that is, you are well aware that we currently have a love/hate relationship with Dave. Good ole Dave! 
Nonetheless, we've been trying to make big moves financially and that leads me to the reason my blog, and social media as a whole, has really been neglected lately. 
Here it is: I GOT A JOB! A full time, 8-5, have to get out of my pajamas every single day kind of JOB! 
(If you don't selfie on the first day of work, did the first day of work really happen?)

We have had many talks on whether I should try to go back to work or not and it really was a difficult decision. I was so beyond thrilled to start staying at home that the thought of going back to work terrified me. We figured for the time being, while getting pregnant is taking longer than expected, I will work and we can use that extra money towards helping pay off our debt. And the whole "being around other human beings" aspect isn't too bad either. 

It's been a long month. It's been a month with lots of changes and lots of adjusting for everyone in our family. I'm really enjoying what i'm doing and the support from my husband is really a huge help. I love how well him and I work as a team. I love that we get to do this whole marriage thing together and make decisions together for whats best for our family. It makes my heart happy. Really, really happy. 

Also, I got an infection in one of my wisdom teeth which was making the simple task of breathing difficult so most nights the last thing I wanted to do was blog. Pretty exiting, huh?! I have missed it though. I've missed it so, so much. It makes me happy when people ask "where have you been?!" It's like people truly care about me, my family, and what's going on in our life. I LOVE THAT. 

And while you're here reading, I want to say thank you. I feel like I could never say thank you enough to the people who read my blog. There are thousands of people each month who click on my little part of the internet to keep up with me and read my thoughts and feelings. I appreciate that more than anyone will ever know. So if you are one of those people, if you click on this page of mine, if you read these words I write….from the bottom of my heart, thank you. 

I hope each of you are doing well. Leave me a comment saying hi, send me an email, find me on instagram. 
Let's be friends! 

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